2024-25 PTO Upcoming Events: Contact your PTO for more information
Exciting events are coming up soon. Select the Quick Link above for our annual calendar of events.
Contact us at the email addresses listed below:
Stephanie Perez - President kpsptopresident@gmail.com
Alicia Bruen - Secretary kpsptosecretary@gmail.com
Kathleen Glover- Treasurer kpsptotreasurer@gmail.com
Pam Carinci - Fundraising kpsptofundraising@gmail.com
Gina LaGattuta - Procurement kpsptoprocurement@gmail.com
Exciting events are coming up soon. Select the Quick Link above for our annual calendar of events.
Stop by Superintendent Dr. Erin Meehan-Fairben's office from 9 a.m. till noon to have a cup of coffee and discuss the draft Proposed 2025-26 School Budget.
Schools and Offices Closed